Make path to libclang universal, update vimrc
Added Ale plugin for running linters + Changed unicode error and warning symbols + Added keybind for moving to next / previous errors Update vimrc to use environment variable /usr/lib/llvm-10/lib/ for clang path + This is automatically adjusted to the system clang path via output of 'find / -name' + Requires some derivative of libclang to be installed, along with clang Add whitespace check function to vimrc + Removes whitespaces from every relative file saved with vim + list of files found within ~/.vimrc Add Colorizer plugin keybind for toggling color highlights within vim Add environment variables $EDITOR and $VISUAL and set both to point to vim Add a script to fix a common issue in vbox displays + running corrects unclickable portion of the screen
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ alias l='ls -CF'
# Add an "alert" alias for long running commands. Use like so:
# Add an "alert" alias for long running commands. Use like so:
# sleep 10; alert
# sleep 10; alert
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
export EDITOR="vim"
export VISUAL="vim"
export LS_COLORS="di=1;34:ln=31;47:so=32:pi=33:ex=1;32:bd=34;46:cd=34;43:su=30;41:sg=30;46:tw=30;42:ow=30;43"
export LS_COLORS="di=1;34:ln=31;47:so=32:pi=33:ex=1;32:bd=34;46:cd=34;43:su=30;41:sg=30;46:tw=30;42:ow=30;43"
export LIBCLANG=$(sudo find / -name
@ -20,3 +20,6 @@
path = .vim/bundle/vim-signify
path = .vim/bundle/vim-signify
url =
url =
[submodule ".vim/bundle/ale"]
path = .vim/bundle/ale
url =
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 7265ceb6d050d1a4642741d248f11e4f2abd37e1
@ -3,6 +3,21 @@
" General Vim Settings
" General Vim Settings
" Define function in vim to remove whitespace
fun! TrimWhitespace()
let l:save = winsaveview()
keeppatterns %s/\s\+$//e
call winrestview(l:save)
"Call this on every attempt to save a file of types defined below..
autocmd BufWritePre *.cpp,*.h,*.c,*.php :call TrimWhitespace()
""autocmd BufWritePre *.cpp,*.h,*.c,*.php :%s/\s\+$//ge
" Set terminal title when opening file
"" autocmd BufEnter * let &titlestring = ' ' . expand("%:t")
"" set title
" Set tabwidth=2, adjust Vim shiftwidth to the same
" Set tabwidth=2, adjust Vim shiftwidth to the same
set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
@ -57,35 +72,34 @@ let g:airline_theme='kalisi'
" Gitgutter installed for + - diffs in gutters within repo files
" Gitgutter installed for + - diffs in gutters within repo files
" Syntastic syntax checker settings
" Ale linter settings
" See :help syntastic
" Hover detail info in preview window
set statusline+=%#warningmsg#
let g:ale_hover_to_preview = 1
set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}
" Hover detail info in balloons
set statusline+=%*
""let g:ale_set_balloons = 1
let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
let g:ale_sign_error = '🗙'
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1
let g:ale_sign_warning = '⚠'
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
highlight ALEWarningSign ctermbg=Yellow
let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0
highlight ALEWarningSign ctermfg=Black
highlight ALEWarning ctermbg=DarkYellow
highlight ALEWarning ctermfg=White
highlight ALEErrorSign ctermbg=DarkRed
highlight ALEErrorSign ctermfg=White
highlight ALEError ctermfg=DarkRed
nmap <silent> <C-k> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap)
nmap <silent> <C-j> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap)
" Clang_complete settings
" Clang_complete settings
let g:clang_library_path='/usr/lib/llvm-8/lib/'
let g:clang_library_path = $LIBCLANG
" Understand how the plugin works: :h signify-modus-operandi
" Spare the plugin some work and read: :h g:signify_vcs_list
" Signify plugin settings
" Diff gutter within Vim
" let g:signify_vcs_list = ['git', 'hg']
" let g:signify_cursorhold_insert = 1
" let g:signify_cursorhold_normal = 1
" let g:signify_update_on_bufenter = 0
" let g:signify_update_on_focusgained = 1
" Colorizer plugin settings
" Colorizer plugin settings
" See :h colorizer in Vim for more info
" See :h colorizer in Vim for more info
"let g:colorizer_colornames = 0 " Don't color literal names, like red, green, etc
"let g:colorizer_colornames = 0 " Don't color literal names, like red, green, etc
"let g:colorizer_auto_color = 1
let g:colorizer_auto_color = 1
"let g:colorizer_skip_comments = 1
"let g:colorizer_skip_comments = 1
"let g:colorizer_auto_filetype ='css,html,vim'
"let g:colorizer_auto_filetype ='css,html,vim'
nnoremap <C-c> :ColorToggle<CR>
" Symbols important to vim / terminal layouts
" Symbols important to vim / terminal layouts
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ cd /path/to/dot/
stow -t ~ .
stow -t ~ .
Note that the `dot/packages/` directory is for reference and is the only directory included not meant to be used with stow. If this directory is stowed there will be no real change to the system - you will still need to install the package lists manually.
I use the `libclang-10-dev` package for clang completion. You can use whichever version you want, as the `.vimrc` configuration hosted here uses an environment variable `$LIBCLANG` which is set using the output of `sudo find / -name`. To use the same version as I do, simply run `sudo apt install libclang-10-dev`
`stow --adopt .` can be used to install conflicting files, but doing so will result in the loss of your local configurations. If you want to keep them, back up the conflicting files output in the error message before running this command.
`stow --adopt .` can be used to install conflicting files, but doing so will result in the loss of your local configurations. If you want to keep them, back up the conflicting files output in the error message before running this command.
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# A fix for a common issue found in virtual box
ps aux www |grep 'VBoxClient --draganddrop' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
Reference in New Issue
Block a user