+ Gnome-Shell Extension for intel-pstate driver
+ Prerequisites •
+ Installation •
+ Translating •
+ Packaging •
+ Developing
kan:kan_string |
+ Used to specify kanban boards. + Multiple kan boards can be specified by writing multiple kan extensions into the todo.txt file + The format of the extension is: kan:[*]name|column1[|column2|...] +
tracker_id:string |
+ Used to identify a task when starting/stopping
+ the time-tracker via the dbus cli or using pomodoro. + Multiple tasks can have the same tracker_id. + |
pin:1 |
+ + Pins a task. A task that is pinned is always visible no matter what + filters are on. Also, one can sort pinned tasks (for example, always + on top.) + | +
pri:A-Z |
+ + Used to restore the priority of a completed task when it gets reopend. + | +
h:1 |
+ This extension disables all other extensions except the kan extension.+ Hides a task. + Among other things, can be used to populate the todo manager + with context/project keywords for autocompletion. + |
t|defer:yyyy-mm-dd |
+ Defers opening a task until specified date. + |
due|DUE:yyyy-mm-dd |
+ Sets a due date on a task. + |
rec:recurrence_string |
+ This extension is incompatible with the due and defer extensions.+ Used to automatically reopen a task after a given amount of +time. + Each time a task recurs, it's creation date is updated. + If a task is already open on the date of the recursion, it's +creation date will be updated anyway. + The recurrence_string can be in one of 3 diff forms: +   (n=natural number, d=days, w=weeks, +m=months) +
+ + |
Any fullscreen view | +|
Tab | +navigate forward | +
Ctrl + Tab | +navigate backward | +
Esc | +close fullscreen | +
Timer (fullscreen) | +|
space | +stop/start timer | +
r or Backspace | +repeat last timer preset | +
1 ... 9 and 0 | +start timer at the time specified by a num key. 1=1min, +2=2min, ..., 0=10min |
Stopwatch (fullscreen) | +|
space | +stop/start timer | +
l or Enter | +lap | +
r or Backspace | +reset | +
Pomodoro (fullscreen) | +|
space | +stop/start timer | +
Stats View | +|
f or / | +start searching history | +
Todo Section in popup menu (default view) | +|
/ | +start searching tasks | +
f | +open file switcher | +
i | +open task editor to add new task | +
k | +open kanban switcher | +
y | +open filters editor | +
s | +open sort editor | +
When focus is inside a task item in popup menu | +|
e | +start editing task | +
Task editor | +|
ctrl + h | +resize editor to the left | +
ctrl + j | +resize editor down | +
ctrl + k | +resize editor up | +
ctrl + l | +resize editor to the right | +
ctrl + f | +open file selector | +
ctrl + enter | +commit the change | +