Script to find and move to empty workspace

This commit is contained in:
Shaun Reed 2019-09-28 04:57:34 -04:00
parent 360c711d49
commit 3289d87bd1

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#!/bin/env python3
import sys
import re
import json
from subprocess import run, PIPE
import argparse
def get_ws():
return json.loads(run('i3-msg -t get_workspaces'.split(), stdout=PIPE).stdout)
def to_empty(current=None, strict=False, right=True, move=False, wrap=True, min_num=1):
"""Move to nearest empty numbered workspace"""
if current is None:
current = [w for w in get_ws() if w['focused']][0]
numbered = re.compile('^\d+$' if strict else '^\d+|(\d+:.*)$')
ns = {w['num'] for w in get_ws() if numbered.match(w['name']) != None and
(not strict or w['name'] == str(w['num']))}
if numbered.match(current['name']) is None:
# If current workspace is unnumbered, pick rightmost or leftmost
if len(ns) == 0:
new_ix = min_num
new_ix = min(ns) - 1 if right else max(ns) + 1
# Find numbered workspace nearest to current
new_ix = current['num']
while new_ix in ns:
new_ix += 1 if right else -1
# Wrap around
if new_ix < min_num:
if wrap:
new_ix = max(ns) + 1
if move:
s = 'i3-msg move container to workspace {0}; workspace {0}'.format(new_ix)
s = 'i3-msg workspace ' + str(new_ix)
def to_empty_near(num, relative=False, **kwargs):
"""Move to empty numbered workspace nearest to workspace 'num'"""
if relative:
if 0 <= num < len(get_ws()):
current = get_ws()[num]
ns = [w for w in get_ws() if w['num'] == num]
current = ns[0] if len(ns) > 0 else {'num': num, 'name': str(num)}
to_empty(current, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Switch to an empty numbered workspace.')
parser.add_argument('direction', type=str, nargs='?', default='next',
help='either next (default) or prev')
parser.add_argument('number', type=int, nargs='?',
help='workspace to start searching from (default: current)')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--relative', dest='rel', action='store_true',
help='use workspace indices, not numbers (default: no)')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--nowrap', dest='wrap', action='store_false',
help='if at edge, wrap around to other edge (default: yes)')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--nostrict', dest='strict', action='store_false',
help='numbered workspaces have a numeric name (default: yes)')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--move', dest='move', action='store_true',
help='move container to new workspace (default: no)')
args = parser.parse_args()
kwargs = {'right': args.direction.lower().strip() == 'next',
'wrap': args.wrap, 'strict': args.strict, 'move': args.move}
if type(args.number) is int:
to_empty_near(args.number, relative=args.rel, **kwargs)