const St =; const Lang = imports.lang; const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Util = imports.misc.util; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Clutter =; const Gio =; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); Me.imports.helpers.polyfills; const Sensors = Me.imports.sensors; const Convenience = Me.imports.helpers.convenience; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain(Me.metadata['gettext-domain']); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const MessageTray = imports.ui.messageTray; const Values = Me.imports.values; const Config = imports.misc.config; let MenuItem, vitalsMenu; const VitalsMenuButton = new Lang.Class({ Name: 'VitalsMenuButton', Extends: PanelMenu.Button, _init: function() { this.parent(St.Align.START); this._settings = Convenience.getSettings(); this._sensorIcons = { 'temperature' : { 'icon': 'temperature-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true }, 'voltage' : { 'icon': 'voltage-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true }, 'fan' : { 'icon': 'fan-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true }, 'memory' : { 'icon': 'memory-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true }, 'processor' : { 'icon': 'cpu-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true }, 'system' : { 'icon': 'system-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true }, 'network' : { 'icon': 'network-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true, 'icon-download': 'network-download-symbolic.svg', 'icon-upload': 'network-upload-symbolic.svg' }, 'storage' : { 'icon': 'storage-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true }, 'battery' : { 'icon': 'battery-symbolic.svg', 'alphabetize': true } } this._warnings = []; this._sensorMenuItems = {}; this._hotLabels = {}; this._hotIcons = {}; this._groups = {}; this._update_time = this._settings.get_int('update-time'); this._sensors = new Sensors.Sensors(this._settings, this._sensorIcons); this._values = new Values.Values(this._settings, this._sensorIcons); this._menuLayout = new St.BoxLayout({ vertical: false, clip_to_allocation: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.START, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, reactive: true, x_expand:true, pack_start: false }); this._drawMenu(); if (ExtensionUtils.versionCheck(['3.18', '3.20', '3.22', '3.24', '3.26', '3.28', '3.30', '3.32'], Config.PACKAGE_VERSION)) {; } else { this.add_actor(this._menuLayout); } this._settingChangedSignals = []; this._addSettingChangedSignal('update-time', Lang.bind(this, this._updateTimeChanged)); this._addSettingChangedSignal('position-in-panel', Lang.bind(this, this._positionInPanelChanged)); this._addSettingChangedSignal('use-higher-precision', Lang.bind(this, this._higherPrecisionChanged)); let settings = [ 'alphabetize', 'include-public-ip', 'hide-zeros', 'unit', 'network-speed-format' ]; for (let setting of Object.values(settings)) this._addSettingChangedSignal(setting, Lang.bind(this, this._redrawMenu)); // add signals for show- preference based categories for (let sensor in this._sensorIcons) this._addSettingChangedSignal('show-' + sensor, Lang.bind(this, this._showHideSensorsChanged)); this._initializeMenu(); this._initializeTimer(); }, _initializeMenu: function() { // display sensor categories for (let sensor in this._sensorIcons) { // groups associated sensors under accordion menu if (typeof this._groups[sensor] != 'undefined') continue; this._groups[sensor] = new PopupMenu.PopupSubMenuMenuItem(_(this._ucFirst(sensor)), true); this._groups[sensor].icon.gicon = Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/' + this._sensorIcons[sensor]['icon']); // hide menu items that user has requested to not include if (!this._settings.get_boolean('show-' + sensor)) this._groups[sensor].actor.hide(); // 3.34? if (!this._groups[sensor].status) { this._groups[sensor].status = this._defaultLabel(); this._groups[sensor].actor.insert_child_at_index(this._groups[sensor].status, 4); // 3.34? this._groups[sensor].status.text = 'No Data'; }[sensor]); } // add separator PopupMenu.PopupSeparatorMenuItem()); // Gnome 3.36 straight up removed round button support. No standard deprecation process. What the heck?? if (ExtensionUtils.versionCheck(['3.18', '3.20', '3.22', '3.24', '3.26', '3.28', '3.30', '3.32'], Config.PACKAGE_VERSION)) { let panelSystem = Main.panel.statusArea.aggregateMenu._system; let item = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem({ reactive: false, style_class: 'vitals-menu-button-container' }); // round preferences button let prefsButton = panelSystem._createActionButton('preferences-system-symbolic', _("Preferences")); prefsButton.connect('clicked', function() { Util.spawn(["gnome-shell-extension-prefs", Me.metadata.uuid]); });, { expand: true, x_fill: false }); // 3.34? // round monitor button let monitorButton = panelSystem._createActionButton('utilities-system-monitor-symbolic', _("System Monitor")); monitorButton.connect('clicked', function() { Util.spawn(["gnome-system-monitor"]); });, { expand: true, x_fill: false }); // 3.34? // round refresh button let refreshButton = panelSystem._createActionButton('view-refresh-symbolic', _("Refresh")); refreshButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, function(self) { this._sensors.resetHistory(); this._values.resetHistory(); this._updateTimeChanged(); }));, { expand: true, x_fill: false }); // 3.34? // add buttons; } else { // preferences option let preferences = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem(); St.Label({ text: _("Preferences") }), { expand: false, x_fill: false }); preferences.connect('activate', function () { Util.spawn(["gnome-shell-extension-prefs", Me.metadata.uuid]); });; // monitor option let monitor = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem(); St.Label({ text: _("System Monitor") }), { expand: false, x_fill: false }); monitor.connect('activate', function () { Util.spawn(["gnome-system-monitor"]); });; // refresh option let refresh = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem(); St.Label({ text: _("Refresh") }), { expand: false, x_fill: false }); refresh.connect('activate', function () { this._sensors.resetHistory(); this._values.resetHistory(); this._updateTimeChanged(); });; } }, _removeMissingHotSensors: function(hotSensors) { for (let i = hotSensors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let sensor = hotSensors[i]; // make sure default icon (if any) stays visible if (sensor == '_default_icon_') continue; if (!this._sensorMenuItems[sensor]) { hotSensors.splice(i, 1); this._removeHotLabel(sensor); this._removeHotIcon(sensor); } } return hotSensors; }, _saveHotSensors: function(hotSensors) { this._settings.set_strv('hot-sensors', hotSensors.filter( function(item, pos) { return hotSensors.indexOf(item) == pos; } )); }, _initializeTimer: function() { // start off with fresh sensors this._querySensors(); // used to query sensors and update display this._refreshTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add_seconds(this._update_time, Lang.bind(this, function() { this._querySensors(); // keep the timer running return true; })); }, _createHotItem: function(key, gicon, value) { let icon = this._defaultIcon(gicon); this._hotIcons[key] = icon; this._menuLayout.add(icon, { expand: true, x_fill: false }); // don't add a label when no sensors are in the panel if (key == '_default_icon_') return; let label = new St.Label({ text: (value)?value:'\u2026', // ... y_expand: true, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER }); this._hotLabels[key] = label; this._menuLayout.add(label, { expand: true, x_fill: false }); }, _higherPrecisionChanged: function() { this._sensors.resetHistory(); this._values.resetHistory(); this._querySensors(); }, _showHideSensorsChanged: function(self, sensor) { this._groups[sensor.substr(5)].visible = this._settings.get_boolean(sensor); }, _positionInPanelChanged: function() { this.container.get_parent().remove_actor(this.container); // small HACK with private boxes :) let boxes = { left: Main.panel._leftBox, center: Main.panel._centerBox, right: Main.panel._rightBox }; let p = this.positionInPanel; boxes[p].insert_child_at_index(this.container, p == 'right' ? 0 : -1) }, _removeHotLabel: function(key) { if (typeof this._hotLabels[key] != 'undefined') { let label = this._hotLabels[key]; delete this._hotLabels[key]; // make sure set_label is not called on non existant actor label.destroy(); } }, _removeHotLabels: function() { for (let key in this._hotLabels) this._removeHotLabel(key); }, _removeHotIcon: function(key) { if (typeof this._hotIcons[key] != 'undefined') { this._hotIcons[key].destroy(); delete this._hotIcons[key]; } }, _removeHotIcons: function() { for (let key in this._hotIcons) this._removeHotIcon(key); }, _redrawMenu: function() { this._removeHotIcons(); this._removeHotLabels(); for (let key in this._sensorMenuItems) { if (key.includes('-group')) continue; this._sensorMenuItems[key].destroy(); delete this._sensorMenuItems[key]; } this._drawMenu(); this._sensors.resetHistory(); this._values.resetHistory(); this._querySensors(); }, _drawMenu: function() { // grab list of selected menubar icons let hotSensors = this._settings.get_strv('hot-sensors'); for (let key of Object.values(hotSensors)) this._createHotItem(key); }, _updateTimeChanged: function() { this._update_time = this._settings.get_int('update-time'); this._sensors.update_time = this._update_time; // invalidate and reinitialize timer Mainloop.source_remove(this._refreshTimeoutId); this._initializeTimer(); }, _addSettingChangedSignal: function(key, callback) { this._settingChangedSignals.push(this._settings.connect('changed::' + key, callback)); }, _updateDisplay: function(label, value, type, key) { //global.log('...label=' + label, 'value=' + value, 'type=' + type, 'key=' + key); // update sensor value in menubar if (this._hotLabels[key]) this._hotLabels[key].set_text(value); // have we added this sensor before? let item = this._sensorMenuItems[key]; if (item) { // update sensor value in the group item.value = value; } else if (type.includes('-group')) { // update text next to group header let group = type.split('-')[0]; if (this._groups[group]) { this._groups[group].status.text = value; this._sensorMenuItems[type] = this._groups[group]; } } else { let sensor = { 'label': label, 'value': value, 'type': type } this._appendMenuItem(sensor, key); } }, _appendMenuItem: function(sensor, key) { let split = sensor.type.split('-'); let type = split[0]; let icon = (typeof split[1] != 'undefined')?'icon-' + split[1]:'icon'; let gicon = Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/' + this._sensorIcons[type][icon]); let item = new MenuItem.MenuItem(gicon, key, sensor.label, sensor.value); item.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, function(self) { let hotSensors = this._settings.get_strv('hot-sensors'); if (self.checked) { self.checked = false; // remove selected sensor from panel hotSensors.splice(hotSensors.indexOf(self.key), 1); this._removeHotLabel(self.key); this._removeHotIcon(self.key); } else { self.checked = true; // add selected sensor to panel hotSensors.push(self.key); this._createHotItem(self.key, self.gicon, self.value); } if (hotSensors.length <= 0) { // add generic icon to panel when no sensors are selected hotSensors.push('_default_icon_'); this._createHotItem('_default_icon_'); } else { let defIconPos = hotSensors.indexOf('_default_icon_'); if (defIconPos >= 0) { // remove generic icon from panel when sensors are selected hotSensors.splice(defIconPos, 1); this._removeHotIcon('_default_icon_'); } } // removes any sensors that may not currently be available hotSensors = this._removeMissingHotSensors(hotSensors); // this code is called asynchronously - make sure to save it for next round this._saveHotSensors(hotSensors); //this.emit('activate', self); //self.disconnect(); return true; })); if (this._hotLabels[key]) { item.checked = true; if (this._hotIcons[key]) this._hotIcons[key].gicon = item.gicon; } this._sensorMenuItems[key] = item; let i = Object.keys(this._sensorMenuItems[key]).length; // alphabetize the sensors for these categories if (this._sensorIcons[type]['alphabetize'] && this._settings.get_boolean('alphabetize')) { let menuItems = this._groups[type].menu._getMenuItems(); for (i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) // use natural sort order for system load, etc if (typeof menuItems[i] != 'undefined' && typeof menuItems[i].key != 'undefined' && menuItems[i].key.localeCompare(key, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }) > 0) break; } this._groups[type].menu.addMenuItem(item, i); }, _defaultLabel: function() { return new St.Label({ style_class: 'vitals-status-menu-item', y_expand: true, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER }); }, _defaultIcon: function(gicon) { let icon = new St.Icon({ icon_name: "utilities-system-monitor-symbolic", style_class: 'system-status-icon', reactive: true }); if (gicon) icon.gicon = gicon; return icon; }, _ucFirst: function(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }, get positionInPanel() { let positions = [ 'left', 'center', 'right' ]; return positions[this._settings.get_int('position-in-panel')]; }, _querySensors: function() { this._sensors.query(Lang.bind(this, function(label, value, type, format) { let key = '_' + type.split('-')[0] + '_' + label.replace(' ', '_').toLowerCase() + '_'; /* if (key == '_temperature_package_id 0_' && value >= 50000) this._warnings.push(label + ' is ' + value); if (key == '_system_load_1m_' && value >= 2) this._warnings.push(label + ' is ' + value); */ let items = this._values.returnIfDifferent(label, value, type, format, key); for (let item of Object.values(items)) this._updateDisplay(_(item[0]), item[1], item[2], item[3]); })); if (this._warnings.length > 0) { this._notify("Vitals", this._warnings.join("\n"), 'folder-symbolic'); this._warnings = []; } }, _notify: function(msg, details, icon) { let source = new MessageTray.Source("MyApp Information", icon); Main.messageTray.add(source); let notification = new MessageTray.Notification(source, msg, details); notification.setTransient(true); source.notify(notification); }, destroy: function() { Mainloop.source_remove(this._refreshTimeoutId); for (let signal of Object.values(this._settingChangedSignals)) this._settings.disconnect(signal); // call parent this.parent(); } }); function init() { Convenience.initTranslations(); // load correct menuItem depending on Gnome version if (ExtensionUtils.versionCheck(['3.18', '3.20', '3.22', '3.24', '3.26', '3.28'], Config.PACKAGE_VERSION)) { MenuItem = Me.imports.menuItemLegacy; } else if (ExtensionUtils.versionCheck(['3.30', '3.32'], Config.PACKAGE_VERSION)) { MenuItem = Me.imports.menuItemOld; } else { MenuItem = Me.imports.menuItem; } } function enable() { vitalsMenu = new VitalsMenuButton(); let positionInPanel = vitalsMenu.positionInPanel; Main.panel.addToStatusArea('vitalsMenu', vitalsMenu, positionInPanel == 'right' ? 1 : -1, positionInPanel); } function disable() { vitalsMenu.destroy(); vitalsMenu = null; }