Clean up CMakeLists in all C++ examples
+ Rename output executables to match directory structure
+ Remove libraries for small examples
+ Supress -Wreturn-type warnings for singleton that is intentionally not copyable
2022-03-31 16:01:08 -04:00
Update datastructs/binarysearchtree example
+ Utilize copy-swap idiom, miscellaneous clean-up of conditions and return values
2021-06-09 11:00:02 -04:00
Add cmake project files for cpp/ directory and all relevant subdirecctories
+ Add Makefiles generated by CMake JIC make is preferred
+ Update cmake version, header comments, and project descriptions
2021-04-28 00:10:47 -04:00
Add CMakeLists for all datastructs
+ Reorder, refactor comments
2020-07-11 23:04:45 -04:00
Add RD of Binary Search Tree implementation
+ Update .gitignore to exclude .idea configs
2020-07-04 20:58:14 -04:00