Shaun Reed cd63a02470 Add README for ansible/roles/core
+ Add blockchain subdirectory to root README
+ Ignore `node-modules` directory for future npm projects
2021-05-21 12:12:27 -04:00

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An ansible role for deploying a default configuration for Ubuntu servers

This role installs ranger, vim with Pathogen and plugins, configures git, .bashrc, .bash_aliases, unattended-upgrades, SSH configurations, PAM modules, Yubikey authentication, and installs a custom MOTD to display on login.


None, this role will apply settings specified in core/defaults/main.yml The only requirement is that we can run this play on the remote host to configure. I test this role on Ubuntu servers. Though the way packages are installed in this role is not specific to Ubuntu, locations of certain destinations for configs may be slightly different.

WARNING: As this role is a WIP, there is a temporary requirement to modify core/files/authorized_yubikeys manually. Be sure these key prefixes match that of your yubikeys, and that the username also corresponds with the user on the system who should be identified and authenticated by this yubikey.



Where the user username can be identified by two yubikeys. Both yubikeys generate OTP with a static prefix of cccckey1cccc or cccckey2cccc

Role Variables

packages: [python-apt, git, vim, ssh, libpam-yubico, ranger]

  • A list of packages to install on the system with the default package manager

authusers: [user1, user2]

  • The users that should bypass additional PAM authentication modules. This does not include public key authentication. All users must provide a valid key. This will only bypass passwords and 2FA

ssh_port: 22

  • The port SSH is running on the server

auth_methods: "publickey,keyboard-interactive"

  • Authentication methods to configure within /etc/sshd_config file

git_email: "" git_name: "Shaun Reed"

  • The email address and name to configure within ~/.gitconfig file. This applies to the user that executes ansible plays on the remote server.
vim_plugins: [{ repo: 'dense-analysis/ale', dest: 'ale'},
{ repo: 'chrisbra/Colorizer', dest: 'colorizer'},
{ repo: 'ervandew/supertab', dest: 'supertab'},
{ repo: 'chrisbra/unicode.vim', dest: 'unicode'},
{ repo: 'vim-airline/vim-airline', dest: 'vim-airline'},
{ repo: 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes', dest: 'vim-airline-themes'},
{ repo: 'mhinz/vim-signify', dest: 'signify'}
  • A list of vim plugins to install. These plugins will be installed for the user that executes ansible plays on the remote host. These will also be cloned into /etc/skel/.vim/bundle/, making all of these plugins available for all future users created on the system. Vim plugins are managed by Pathogen.


  • Used to configure /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades. Email alerts will be sent to this address when automatic upgrades are performed



Example Playbook

First, make sure all settings within defaults/main.yml are correct for your server. All settings and their purposes are outline in the section above.

Create a new ansible play. You can name it whatever you want, but this example play will simply be named core.yml.

- hosts: testserver
  become: yes
  - core

Make sure the IP for testserver is correct in the /etc/ansible/hosts file -


Run the play!

ansible-playbook core.yml



Author Information

Contact: | URL: | GitHub: shaunrd0

TODO: Add variables for authorized_yubikeys TODO: Add variables for configuring a custom /etc/hosts TODO: Use a package manager, or official repository to install ranger