There are many other tools to manage dotfiles that work just fine. For now, this is intended to be just for my own learning / use and not a general dotfiles management utility.
To store dotfiles, this repository uses submodules. To update surface-level submodules, we can run the following commands
git submodule init
git submodule update
Submodule path 'dot': checked out '7877117d5bd413ecf35c86efb4514742d8136843'
But in the case of my dotfiles repository, [shaunrd0/dot](, I use submodules to clone repositories for vim plugins. To update all submodules *and their nested submodules*, we can run the following commands
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
Submodule path 'dot': checked out '7877117d5bd413ecf35c86efb4514742d8136843'
Submodule path 'dot/.vim/bundle/Colorizer': checked out '826d5691ac7d36589591314621047b1b9d89ed34'
Submodule path 'dot/.vim/bundle/ale': checked out '3ea887d2f4d43dd55d81213517344226f6399ed6'
Submodule path 'dot/.vim/bundle/clang_complete': checked out '293a1062274a06be61797612034bd8d87851406e'
Submodule path 'dot/.vim/bundle/supertab': checked out 'd80e8e2c1fa08607fa34c0ca5f1b66d8a906c5ef'
Submodule path 'dot/.vim/bundle/unicode.vim': checked out 'afb8db4f81580771c39967e89bc5772e72b9018e'
Submodule path 'dot/.vim/bundle/vim-airline': checked out 'cb1bc19064d3762e4e08103afb37a246b797d902'
Submodule path 'dot/.vim/bundle/vim-airline-themes': checked out 'd148d42d9caf331ff08b6cae683d5b210003cde7'
Submodule path 'dot/.vim/bundle/vim-signify': checked out 'b2a0450e23c63b75bbeabf4f0c28f9b4b2480689'