- Reduced huge amount of fluff logic, loops, conditionals
- Fixed infinite loop within 4+ calls to SendNotification()
-- Replaced with new function MakePopup(string contents)
-- Spawns a prefab, can call as much as you want (overlapping issue)
-Add combining of colliding Popups with similar contents (exp)
-- Add a tag passed into MakePopup() as argument used to combine similar
values ( and increase time left to Destroy(), raise speed of transform
to move away from other popups)
- Popups rotate within a range of -4 to 4 for trendy not-perfect look
Added PlayerData class to GamerManager.cs
- Stored in Application.PersistantDataPath + "/playerInfo.dat"
- Safer way to store / transfer data?
- Add saving of local time when calling Save() or Load()
- Compare save time to load time and give afk rewards earned based on
rotation speed
-Fixed messy RectTransforms, cleaned up scaling of UI across different
-Prints level correctly in landscape view
-Added red 'container' that doubles as mask for displaying EXP gained
-Scale exp bar, drawn within ExperienceBar script